Strathspey Vets's home page
Emergency 01479 872252
Out of hours 01479 872252
Grantown-on-Spey 01479 872252
Aviemore 01479 872252


Some helpful websites for pet owners

Pet Charities

Dogs Trust - Formerly known as the National Canine Defence League, the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. Factsheets and advice on responsible dog ownership

People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals - nationwide animal charity that provides veterinary care to animals whose owners are in need of financial assistance. Lots of pet health advice and a great area for kids.

The Blue Cross - Charity dedicated to the health and welfare of dogs, cats, small pets and horses across the UK.

Pet Health Information

Diabetic Pets - A helpful website with information for owners of diabetic dogs and cats.

Feline Advice Bureau - Excellent online resources including very helpful factsheets about common cat ailments and behaviour problems.

Parasite Advice - Confused about what parasites you need to keep your pet safe from? All the answers are here!

Pet Health Info - One of the few reliable sources of pet health advice on the web - if you want to look it up before you call us, look it up here!

Pets with Arthritis - A website with advice and tips for owners of pets who have been diagnosed with arthritis.

Pet Ownership

Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors - Some great advice sheets, safety information and articles about pet behaviour.

DogStarDaily - Free magazine-style website for dog lovers with lots of free content and some great resources for new puppy owners.

Guide to Choosing Pet Insurance - Money Supermarket's guide to buying pet insurance - essential reading before deciding which policy meets your needs.

Travelling with Pets - Everything you need to know about traveling overseas with your pets. from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Pets and Children

The Blue Dog - A great resource for families and teachers who wish to educate children about safety around dogs.

Liam J Perk Foundation - A website set up by Liam's bereaved parents to educate people about the subtle warning signs which come before a dog bites.

Why Dogs Bite - Doggone Safe's information on dog bite prevention.

Why Supervising Dogs and Kids Doesn't Work - A short article explaining what parents can do to keep their children safe around dogs.

Other Links

Careers Advice - The RCVS guide to careers in the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions.

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - The UK's regulatory body for vets, including information about the Practice Standards Scheme of which we are a member.